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Washington State University
The Gene and Linda Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering

Faculty & Staff

Howard Davis

Howard Davis

Howard Davis, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor

Engineering and entrepreneurship pedagogy, technology development and clinical applications of biomedical instrumentation

The Gene and Linda Voiland
School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
1505 Stadium Way, Room 105
P.O. Box 646515
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-6515

Biographical Information

Dr. Davis received degrees from The Evergreen State College (BA 1976), WSU (BS 1980, MS 1988) and the University of Oregon (Ph.D. 1993). He brings a wide variety of experiences to the department including high school teacher, entrepreneur (started 2 companies) and inventor. Current interests include engineering and entrepreneurship pedagogy, technology development and clinical applications of biomedical instrumentation.

Selected Publications

  1. Lin D., Bucher B.P., Davis H.P., Sprunger L.K. (2008) A Low-cost Telemetry System Suitable for Measuring Mouse Biopotentials. Med Eng and Physics. 30(2), 199–205.
  2. Dolny, D.G., Collins M.G., Wilson T., Gramann, M.L, and Davis, H.P. (2001) The validity of lower extremity strength and power assessment utilizing a new closed chain dynamometer. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 33(1), 171–175.
  3. Davis, H.P., Dolny, D.G. (2000). A New Bilateral Closed Chain Assessment Technique, Methods and Error Analysis. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32(1),182–189.
  4. French, H.G., and Davis, H.P. Computer modeling of trans-shoulder forces in motor vehicle accidents. Int. J. Crashworthiness.
  5. Simpson, K.A., Davis, H.P. and Dolny, D.G. Lower extremity power trends and throwing performance throughout a competitive track and field season. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32(5) S192, 2000.
  6. Lund. R.J., Kimple, S.S., Davis, H.P, and Dolny, D.G. Relationship among one repetition maximum test for back squat, hip sled, and a new, lower extremity dynamometer. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32(5) S351, 2000.
  7. Osternig, L.F., Ferber, R., Mercer, J., and Davis, H.P. (2000). Muscle accommodation to Anterior Cruciate Ligament dysfunction. The Euro. Jour. Of App. Physio. In Press.
  8. Osternig, L.R., Ferber, R., Mercer, J. and Davis, H.P. (2000). Effect of velocity and joint position on hip and knee torque and anterior tibial shear in presurgical ACL deficient and post-surgical subjects. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32(5), s222.
  9. Osternig. L.R., Ferber, R., Mercer, J., and Davis, H.P. (1999). Muscle accommodation to Anterior Cruciate Ligament dysfunction. Journal of Athletic Training. 34(2).
  10. Davis, H.P., Dolny, D.G. and Collins, M.G. Submaximal test to predict performance on army 2 mile personal training test. Proceedings of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle WA 1999.
  11. Hagenbaugh, J.L., Davis, H.P., and Dolny, D.G. Lower extremity strategies during different fatigue protocols. Proceedings of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle WA 1999.
  12. Collins, M.G., Kimple, S.S., Dolny, D.G. and Davis, H.P. Determination of optimal resistance for lower body peak power. Proceedings of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle WA 1999.
  13. Kimple, S.S, Dolny, D.G., Collins, M.G., and Davis, H.P. Comparison of resistance settings during Omnikinetic lower extremity exercise utilizing Wingate protocol. Proceedings of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle WA 1999.
  14. French, H.G., and Davis, H.P. Computer modeling of trans-shoulder forces in motor vehicle accidents. Proceedings of the 26th International Human Subjects Workshop, Tempe, Arizona 1998.
  15. Collins, M.G., Wilson, T.K., Davis, H.P. and Dolny, D.G. Comparison of isokinetic leg testing with a closed chain lower extremity dynamometer. Proceedings of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver Colorado 1997.
  16. Wilson, T.K., Collins, M.G., Davis, H.P. and Dolny, D.G. Test-retest reliability of a closed-chain lower extremity dynamometer. Proceedings of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver Colorado 1997.
  17. Wilson, T.K., Collins, M.G., Davis, H.P., and Dolny, D.G. (1997) Evaluation of a closed-chain lower extremity dynamometer. Proceedings of Northwest Region Annual Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine. Spokane 1997.
  18. Dufek, J.S., Bates, B.T., & Davis, H.P. (1995) The effect of trial size and variability on statistical power. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 27(2):288–296.
  19. Bates, B.T., Dufek, J.S., and Davis, H.P. (1994) Relationship between sample size, data reliability effect size and subject variability. Proceedings of the American College of Sports Medicine. Colorado Springs 1994.
  20. Stergiou, N., Bates, B.T. and Davis, H.P. (1992). The effects of midsole hardness on shoe cushioning. Proceedings of NACOB II, The Second North American Congress on Biomechanics, (pp. 269–270), Chicago: Organizing Committee.
  21. Bates, B.T., Dufek, J.S. and Davis, H.P. (1992) The effect of trial size on statistical power. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. (24)9:1059–1068
  22. Bates, B.T., Hamill, J., Davis, H.P., and Stergiou, N. (1992) Surface effects on lower extremity impact characteristics. Proceedings of NACOB II, The Second North American Congress on Biomechanics, (pp. 243–244), Chicago: Organizing Committee.
  23. Davis, H.P., and James, R. (1992) The effects of shoes on maximum pronation and knee flexion. Proceedings of the Northwest Region of the American College of Sports Medicine. Seattle, WA.
  24. Davis, H.P. (1991) The fractal nature of gait. Proceedings of the Northwest Region of the American College of Sports Medicine. Portland, OR.
  25. Davis, H.P. (1991) Rhyme, records and reason. Proceedings of the Sport Science Symposium for VIII World Veteran’s Track & Field Championships.
  26. Davis, H.P. (1990) Three dimensional analysis of ground reaction forces for cutting maneuvers. Proceedings of the Northwest Region of the American College of Sports Medicine.
  27. Bates, B.T., Dufek, J.S., Davis, H.P. (1990) The effects of sample and trial sizes on statistical power/results. Human Locomotion VI, Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, CSB, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
  28. Bates, B.T., Davis, H.P. and Dufek, J.S. (1989) Court shoe evaluation during landings. American Society of Biomechanics 13th Annual Meeting Proceedings, pp 182–183.
  29. Sveistrup, H., Davis, H.P., James, R. and Bates, B.T. (1989) Effects of repeated trials in vertical ground reaction force measurements and lower limb EMG profiles of a drop-landing. Association Canadienne des Sciences du Sport, pp 29.