2023 New Faculty
The Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering is excited to welcome our new 2023 faculty members.
Colin Lehman-Chong
Colin Lehman-Chong
In general terms, what does your research consist of? (How would you explain it to a class of freshmen?)
At WSU I am a full-time teaching faculty; however, I got my PhD working in the field of computational catalysis. Using advanced tools (like Density Functional Theory) we can construct atomic-scale models of reactions taking place on the surfaces of metals, oxides, and other catalyst materials. We then use these models to probe the various interactions on and with the surface so we can learn what features are key to improving a reaction rate or selectivity towards a key product. Our results are most impactful when we can combine them with successful experiments that confirm our theories.
What drew you to your field of study and to being a professor?
Engineering seeks to make the highest impact with the resources that you have available. At the end of the day, it is a field full of people that love to solve problems. I am certainly one of those people.
Chemical engineering is going to be a crucial field in developing and implementing technologies to solve the climate crisis that we find ourselves facing and that is what gives me the passion for this job that I want to share with my students.
Qiaowan Chang
Qiaowan Chang
In general terms, what does your research consist of? (How would you explain it to a class of freshmen?)
My research focuses on the fundamental study of electrocatalysis, which is a fascinating area of research that sits at the intersection of chemical engineering and renewable energy. Essentially, it involves using electricity to drive chemical reactions in a more efficient and controlled way. To make this happen, two key components are used: electrodes, which are materials that conduct electricity, and catalysts, which are substances that can speed up a reaction without being consumed in the process. The beauty of electrocatalysis lies in its ability to facilitate reactions that might otherwise be too slow or energetically unfavorable. This makes it incredibly valuable in various applications, especially in energy conversion and storage technologies, like fuel cells and electrolyzers, where it can help in creating cleaner, more sustainable energy solutions.
What drew you to your field of study and to being a professor?
The mechanism study often feels like unraveling a complex detective story for me. Each research project is like a new case, where the scientist acts as a detective trying to understand the intricate mechanisms behind chemical reactions. This involves delving into the minutiae of how molecules interact under electrical influence, uncovering the secrets of reaction pathways, and discovering new ways to optimize these processes. The excitement lies in the challenge of piecing together this puzzle, much like a detective puts together clues to solve a mystery. And I enjoy the process of educating the next generation of scientists and engineers. This aspect of being a professor is like passing on the torch of curiosity and critical thinking. It’s about inspiring students with the same fascination for the unseen and intricate dance of atoms and electrons that define our world at a molecular level.
Dominic Scalise
Dominic Scalise
In general terms, what does your research consist of?
I build computers that run on chemistry instead of electricity.
The same circuits that compose your laptops and cellphones can be constructed with liquid chemical reactions, mixed in test tubes, or embedded within soft materials. These liquid chemical circuits can perform such tasks as computing square roots, playing tic-tac-toe, and using machine learning to recognize handwriting.
The inputs and outputs of chemical computers are molecules that can bind and rearrange physical materials from the nanoscale up. This means that instead of lighting up pixels on a screen, like electronic computers do, chemical computers can directly program non-biological forms of matter to grow, heal, reconfigure, and replicate.
However, most current chemical computers only contain sufficient energy to power a single cycle of computation. This is analogous to an electronic computer that dies after every time you press a single key.
In my research, I create chemical power supplies to sustain chemical computers to keep running for extended durations. I use these powered circuits to program dynamic spatial and temporal behaviors into physical materials. With these techniques, my lab is helping to explore new forms of programmable nanomaterials for use in synthetic biology, biosensors, and intelligent therapeutics.
What advice do you have for students?
You have a long and exciting career ahead of you! Imagine what you want the world to look like in 50 years and find a way to work towards that reality.
Dmitri Tolkatchev
Dmitri Tolkatchev
If you could name one person who inspires you, who would it be and why?
Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR. His seemingly simple invention revolutionized biological sciences and medicine.
What advice for success do you have for your students?
Take intellectual risks